Thoughtfactory’s Notes on abstraction

rethinking the tradition of photographic abstraction

sea abstract #5

Another image  in the sea abstraction series that emerges from  my daily walks along the coast of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula: 

This  was made in the summer of 2018 whilst on an afternoon  poodlewalk with Maleko. I recall that I got very wet as  a large wave swept over my  feet and legs. 

Below  is the converted black and white version of the digital file:

There is not that much difference between these two interpretations. 

As can be seen from the earlier images in this series---- hereherehere and here--- I   do struggle with this series. Their emergence from my daily walks indicates that  these  abstractions reject the common  view that  abstraction is a withdrawal from the modern world, almost a safe house for art. Maybe this series refers  to chance---standing on the rocks amongst  the swirling sea waiting for  the formation of  a visual form/image? 

The sea abstractions  are an attempt to move beyond  the hermetic Modernist ideal of pure form  to represent movement in contrast to the stability of the granite rocks along the coast without embracing  the saturated colour palette --the decorative--of contemporary digital seascapes,  or the metaphysics of modernist abstract art (ie.,the transcendental realm of the Idea). 

Perhaps  we can think of  abstraction as a distant archive to cite more than as a continuous tradition to develop?