Thoughtfactory’s Notes on abstraction

rethinking the tradition of photographic abstraction

Posts for Tag: sea

sea abstract #5

Another image  in the sea abstraction series that emerges from  my daily walks along the coast of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula: 

This  was made in the summer of 2018 whilst on an afternoon  poodlewalk with Maleko. I recall that I got very wet as  a large wave swept over my  feet and legs. 

Below  is the converted black and white version of the digital file:

There is not that much difference between these two interpretations. 

As can be seen from the earlier images in this series---- hereherehere and here--- I   do struggle with this series. Their emergence from my daily walks indicates that  these  abstractions reject the common  view that  abstraction is a withdrawal from the modern world, almost a safe house for art. Maybe this series refers  to chance---standing on the rocks amongst  the swirling sea waiting for  the formation of  a visual form/image? 

sea abstract #4

Another recent attempt at a sea abstract: 

I am finding making these kind of sea abstractions  a bit hit and miss as the sea is constantly changing  its shape. The waves move very quickly as well. 

sea abstract #2

This picture is from another go in this experimental series:

It is from a different location along the coast than the location for the earlier sea abstract.  It is  much safer from the  force of the frequent rogue waves. 

sea abstraction #1


But I'm not sure at this stage. 

The sea is the darker side of the coastal environment.  It is dangerous. So the images need to be darker.