Thoughtfactory’s Notes on abstraction

rethinking the tradition of photographic abstraction

trunk abstract #4

The abstraction below was made whilst I was on a poodlewalk with Maya, our young standard poodle,  in  the local bushland in Waitpinga on the southern Fleurieu Peninsula  in South Australia early in  the  morning.

From memory  it had been raining overnight. It was in the mid-winter of  2023.  Maya would have been about 6 months old then, and it would have been a training walk. She was learning to stay  with me whilst we walked through the bushland. 

I really ought to have gone back and photographed the above  abstraction of a pink gum  trunk with a large format camera,   but during most of 2023 I'd taken time  out from photography whilst Maya was a puppy.  It's been 6 months or more  since I've connected  with this abstraction series or project.