Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: abstractions

exploring the tradition of photographic abstraction

trunk abstract #3

I  recently needed  to fill in  3 or 4 more hours walking with the standard poodles around  the Adelaide parklands. This was  in mid-January 2022. 

 It was a warm day and we walked amongst the trees in and around Veale Gardens.  We moved slowly through the shady areas beneath  the trees  to fill in the time.  As we did so I made a series of photos of the trunks of the trees.

It was  a return to  what I used to do when I lived in the CBD prior to 2015 -- walking the poodles in the parklands and making photos.   Only this time  I wore a mask and kept  my distance from everyone because of  the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic is a game changer.    

Mid-January  was a time of anxiety as the Omicron  variant of Covid was circulating throughout South Australia  after the state borders had been opened  in late 2021. I was doubly vaxxed, as they say, and I was due to receive the booster shot of the vaccine in mid-February.  As the vaccines were losing their effectiveness in protecting me from the virus I was becoming wary and anxious.     

I  was anxious enough to  make an appointment to be tested  for Covid to see if the test results were positive or negative. They turned out to be negative, thankfully. I will feel less anxious once I've had the booster vaccination.  

 These are anxious times.