Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: abstractions

exploring the tradition of photographic abstraction

quartz abstraction #11

Whilst on the early  morning poodlewalk with Maya  along the littoral zone of the coastal rocks on the southern Fleurieu Peninsula I started scoping for a possible 5x4 photo session. As  Maya is now starting to hang around me whilist  I spend time photographing I reckoned it would be possible to use a 5x4 with a dark cloth. 

This is what I came up with today --- a close up, or macro view,  of an isolated rock with a quartz vein:

I had photographed the rock a few days earlier from a broader perspective.  

However, I wasn't  all that happy with the composition of the broader view:

The quartz vein is on a 45 degrees angle and it is close to the sandy ground. So it is not easy to photograph. 

This perspective of the picture below  did look to be a possibility:

But it isn't that dynamic. 

So I thought that I could use a telephoto lens with the 5x4. Hence the decision this morning  to experiment with  a more macro perspective.