Thoughtfactory’s Notes on abstraction

rethinking the tradition of photographic abstraction

Posts for Tag: rock

McCaughey on abstraction

I have started reading Patrick McCaughey's 1969 book  Australian Abstract Art. He says that  there is no absolute distinction between abstract and representational art, that much Australian abstraction keeps in close contact with the physical world, and its aim is not to give an illusion of the physical world  but to provide us with an experience of it (p.3).   

 McCaughey argued that the Sydney modernists (eg., Ralph Batson, Grace Cowley)  in the 1950s embraced a constructivist  interpretation of abstraction as a new order different from the natural order: ie.,  a new vision appropriate to the 20th century. This is linked by McCaughey to Moholy-Nagy's book The New Vision.  The  new vision was  rooted in the technological culture of the twentieth century.   

rock abstraction, Queenstown.

From the archives.  

This abstraction of a rock face was  made in 2010 in Queenstown, Tasmania.  

I'm currently  going through my  film archives.